Listen, hare to Iden
Experience Design
Listen, Share to Identify
An interactive platform for women discussing taboos, cultures, and universal struggles
Website Navigation
2020, London
I utilised a self-directed brief as means to solve a personal conflict. Growing up as an Egyptian Austrian citizen, my bi-cultural background has always inspired me to explore themes pertaining to the east and west, such as the notions of gender and sexuality.
As a group of diverse women what we share is our struggle of living in a male dominant world. The podcast a result of conversations- which shares my and other women’s perspectives/ stories on taboos and vulnerability.
This podcast is the introduction to my website, encouraging women to share their own. The website acts as a safe space for women all around the world to openly discuss their struggles, experiences, and values. This project taught me how the means of conversation as a tool can be integrated into my design practise. It allows us to solve issues within ourselves by reflecting and taking a step back and going to the route of the problem.